Refund Policy
eCScribe users can request a refund under the following circumstances.
  • Application error resulting in end user wallet being deducted an inappropriate amount.
  • Application error which prevented the end user from accessing the study or reporting the study.

The refund request has to be communicated within 48 hrs of encountering the error.

Instructions for refund:

Through the eCScribe application, the end user can click on the icon next to user name and open a ticket. Create a new ticket by choosing on add a ticket option. In the dialog box than opens, choose payment related from the drop down menu. Give a detailed reason for the refund in the message box. The request will be processed and status updated within 3 working days.

Alternatively users can directly email eCScribe via and give a detailed description of the reason for refund. A reply will be send within 3 working days.

If the refund is accepted, it can either be in the form of cash back via bank transfer or as equivalent recharge in the end user wallet. The recharge will be reflected in the wallet within 24 hours and cash refund will be transferred within 3 working days.